The healthcare industry spans the services we receive from health professionals, the care of the elderly in nursing homes, and the medications and related services that help maintain and restore the health of our bodies and minds. It is a sector undergoing rapid change, accelerated via healthtech innovation. We have a team of specialist market researchers trained to deliver world-class studies in the healthcare sector.

Explore our healthcare market research experience:

Medical devices, equipment & supplies | Pharmaceuticals & pharmacy solutions | Healthcare software & services

Explore our healthcare research solutions & case studies:
Assessing the Opportunity | Enhancing the Customer Experience | Building the Brand | Developing the Offer & Pricing


Our Deep Experience Across Healthcare Markets

We have been researching healthcare markets for over 20 years, helping our clients across the value chain make more informed decisions on:

  • Improving patient outcomes
  • Improving patient acquisition
  • Improving the patent experience
  • Improving treatment plans and processes
  • Improving health literacy of communities
  • Improving the experience of healthcare professionals

We have conducted thousands of interviews with physicians / general practitioners, nurses, caregivers, patients, chief medical officers, pharmacists, procurement and GPOs, veterinarians, opticians, dentists and many more specialist audiences (surgeons, oncologists, cardiologists, neurologists, radiation therapists, etc.)

From hospitals and health systems to medical centers, long term care, home health, dental offices, veterinary practices, insurance carriers/administrators and more, we know how they think and behave, and we speak their language.

Our experience falls into three broad categories:


Medical devices, equipment & supplies

Healthcare market research experience - Medical devices, equipment & supplies

We have researched numerous types of medical solutions for analysis, treatment and patient care. This has included thousands of interviews with the likes of buyers and users of medtech (e.g. physicians, technicians, lab managers, and patients) as well as distributors / resellers, insurance carriers, government officials, investors, industry analysts, and more.

Examples of the solutions we have researched include:

  • Endoscopes
  • Eyeglass lenses
  • Janitorial supplies (e.g. disinfectant wipes and solutions)
  • Lab analysis / diagnostics (e.g. IVDs, mass spectrometry)
  • Linear accelerators
  • Medical imaging
  • Medication monitoring
  • Oxygen
  • PPE
  • Wheelchairs

Clients we’ve helped:


Pharmaceuticals & pharmacy solutions

Healthcare market research experience - Pharmaceuticals & pharmacy solutions

Our pharmaceutical research experience spans a wide range of ingredients covering APIs and excipients (from raw materials like chemical compounds and natural alternatives, to custom formulations). This comprises thousands of interviews with the likes of physicians / clinicians, C-suite, point of care coordinators, procurement, lab managers and lab analysts, as well as marketing and R&D specialists within pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

We have also researched many different services sold through pharmacies and over the counter, including dispensing services, Rx management, and compounding.

Our experience includes researching solutions for:

Health & wellness

  • Aging
  • Beauty
  • Digestive health
  • Eye health
  • Joint health
  • Immunity
  • Maternal health
  • Mental wellness
  • Sleep

Disorders and diseases

  • Acne
  • ADHD
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Angina
  • Asthma
  • Bipolar affective disorder
  • Cancer
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • DPNP
  • DVT
  • Eczema
  • Epilepsy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • HIV
  • Hypertension
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson’s
  • Psoriasis
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Thromboprophylaxis
  • Urinary incontinence

Clients we’ve helped:


Healthcare software & services

Healthcare market research experience - Healthcare software & services

Beyond treatment, we have researched many critical providers to the healthcare industry spanning software (e.g. data management platforms, EHR systems, health information systems, and patient portals), information (e.g. content-as-a-service and publications) and health insurance. This has included interviews with IT decision-makers (within health systems, hospitals, and medical centers), and benefits decision-makers on group health benefits (within corporations).

Clients we’ve helped:


Insights That Set You Up For Success

Our research solutions for the healthcare sector span the following categories:

Case study: Assessing the nature of the opportunity for growth


A leading manufacturer of medical equipment required a comprehensive opportunity assessment to inform its marketing and sales strategies and identify growth potential. The aims of our research program were:

  • Obtaining a deep understanding of market requirements and purchase drivers, to help our Client position its brand for success;
  • Identifying unmet needs and competitor weaknesses to arm sales teams with valuable insights;
  • Measuring the degree of interest in our Client’s offering and propensity to switch;
  • Exploring market drivers to better prepare our Client for emerging opportunities.


The research method comprised a hybrid program of qualitative and quantitative research. Multiple audiences were surveyed including physicians, physicists, therapists, C-suite etc. spanning community, university and independent hospitals, as well as private practices, not-for-profit practices, and freestanding specialty centers across the U.S.

Healthcare Market Research Case Study: Assessing the nature of the opportunity for growth

Case Study: Seeking a superior and differentiated customer experience


A global distributor of pharmaceutical products, medical supplies and equipment reviews its customer experience annually. This comprises the tracking of key metrics such as NPS, overall satisfaction and ease of doing business across several business units while identifying new challenges facing the market.


The quantitative research program seeks feedback from a range of decision-makers and users in healthcare establishments such as pharmacies, hospitals and care homes. The annual tracker is supplemented with ad-hoc projects to fill knowledge gaps, understand trends in more detail or gain an in-depth understanding of a new service offer. The findings enable our client to effectively plan where to focus its efforts in order to improve the overall customer experience and subsequently measure the impact of the actions taken.

Healthcare Market Research Case Study: Seeking a superior and differentiated customer experience

Case Study: Profiling buyer personas to better reach and resonate with optimal audiences


A multi-billion dollar provider of healthcare solutions such as ultrasound imaging was looking to improve its ‘top of funnel’ content and messaging in the cardiology sector. This required a deep understanding of the intricacies of the decision-making unit and purchase process in the early stage of the buyer journey.

Healthcare Market Research Case Study: Profiling buyer personas to better reach and resonate with optimal audiences


We devised a qualitative program of depth telephone interviews with users (those in clinical roles such as Interventional Cardiologists, Cardiac Radiographers and Imaging Cardiologists) and non-users (those in non-clinical roles such as Cath Lab Managers, Heads of Cardiology and Hospital CEOs) to establish the types of information sought at each stage of the journey, explore media consumption habits, and develop needs-based buyer personas.

The insights enabled our client to:

  • Understand the key touchpoints used in the path-to-purchase;
  • Determine the compelling components of its value proposition that would resonate with distinct audiences;
  • Develop tailored and meaningful content of relevance to each persona;
  • Execute a successful omnichannel program in terms of pushing the right message in the right format through the right channels at the right time and to the right people.

Case study: Building a leading brand in medical technology


A multinational medical technology manufacturer was seeking a comprehensive brand health program to:

  • Explore strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors;
  • Measure brand associations and positioning on key messaging platforms to identify positions owned versus white space potential;
  • Determine value drivers behind its brand promise;
  • Assess the impact of brand campaigns and communications over time.


Our quantitative research program continues after numerous waves. The ongoing study seeks the views of thousands of stakeholders online and by telephone across North America, Europe and Asia, spanning buyers and users (e.g. hospital C-suites, procurement, physicians, lab managers), channel partners, subject matter experts (e.g. health insurance carriers, industry analysts, investors, journalists), patients and employees.

Healthcare Market Research Case study: Building a leading brand in medical technology

Case study: Establishing a customer centric value proposition


A major manufacturer in the diagnostics arena was seeking to differentiate its value proposition and required feedback from buyers and influencers of lab diagnostic systems and tests. We conducted an online survey with two distinct audiences:

  • Lab decision-makers in clinical diagnostic/core, tissue, molecular, or point of care labs;
  • Non-lab decision-makers such as C-suite, procurement, IT, physicians and anatomic pathologists in hospitals or other areas of the integrated health network.


Our research findings indicated the components of the value proposition that differentiated our client, as well as the alienating facets that deterred certain audiences and why. Before investing millions into optimizing its offering and communications campaigns, the insights enabled our client to transition from a product-first to customer-centric strategy.

Healthcare Market Research - Case study: Establishing a customer centric value proposition

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