Our team of specialist market researchers have extensive experience in the professional and business services sector, having carried out studies for some of the world’s leading brands offering legal, accountancy and advisory services.


Our Deep Experience Researching The Professional Services & Business Services Sector

Our professional and business services market research spans many countries around the world, multiple sub-sectors and a wide range of business sizes, and covers four main categories:

Legal Services | Accounting | Consulting & Advisory | HR, Staffing & Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)


Legal Services Market Research

Legal Services Market Research

Some of the projects we’ve carried out:

  • Client satisfaction / NPS tracking: Measuring satisfaction across multiple touchpoints of the client experience, from private individuals through to global corporations.

  • Proposition development: Identifying opportunities for new practice areas or combining existing services with new, digitalized methods of doing business.

  • UX testing: Gathering user feedback for new or updated online services.

Some of the audiences we’ve researched:

  • Lawyers across multiple practice areas (e.g. Employment, Corporate, IP, Data Protection)

  • Decision-makers for legal services in business, from small and medium-sized businesses through to large corporations

  • Decision-makers for and users of legal practice software and systems

  • Private clients

Clients we’ve helped:


Accounting Market Research

Accounting Market Research

Some of the projects we’ve carried out:

  • Brand Identity Development and Testing: Qualitative and quantitative research to gather insights used for the development of new or refreshed brand identities in the accounting sector.

  • Segmentation: The accounting and tax market is dominated by a small number of large players and so the space to differentiate can seem limited. Our insights have helped a range of brands find their most productive niches.

  • Pricing: Increasing client demand and new entrants are challenging the fee structures and pricing practices of established firms. Our pricing research has helped to understand and simulate the effects of introducing new pricing models.

  • Satisfaction and loyalty tracking: Tracking the client experience through tailored customer experience management programs.

Some of the audiences we’ve researched:

  • Decision-makers for accounting and tax advisory services (e.g. CFOs, Finance Directors, VP of Finance, Financial Controllers etc.), both for small businesses and larger corporations

  • Members and students of professional bodies (current, prospective and lapsed)

  • Freelancers, contractors and private clients that use and make decisions about accounting or tax advisory services

Clients we’ve helped:


Consulting & Advisory Market Research

Consulting & Advisory Market Research

Some of the projects we’ve carried out:

  • Thought leadership research: Providing original research to management consultancies and advisory firms to help create content that gets attention and raises their profile for emerging business issues.

  • Due diligence studies: Primary research studies to determine the scale and nature of potential acquisition opportunities on which our clients are advising.

  • Market assessment and development studies: Identifying and validating opportunities for new solutions – whether in new areas of practice, or to new geographic markets or market segments.

  • Brand health tracking research: Global research studies into the market performance and brand equity of consulting and advisory brands.

Some of the audiences we’ve researched:

  • C-Level audiences (CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, COOs etc.)

  • Opinion leaders and subject matter experts across diverse topics such as emerging digital technologies (AI, IoT, robotics), risk management, biotechnology, finance and asset management etc

  • Decision-makers for and users of consulting and advisory services

Clients we’ve helped:


HR, Staffing & Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Market Research

HR, Staffing & Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Market Research

Some of the projects we’ve carried out:

  • Advertising effectiveness research: Measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns to build brand awareness and launch new products and services.

  • Thought leadership research: Providing original insights from primary research that highlight current issues and trends in the areas of talent management and business processes.

  • Proposition development: Identifying opportunities for digital-first services in the areas of HR management and BPO.

  • Market sizing research: Evaluating the size of markets for new offerings, selling to new markets around the world and cross- and up-sell opportunities.

Some of the audiences we’ve researched:

  • Decision-makers for and users of HR advisory services, human capital management software (HCM), payroll services, identity and background checks etc

Clients we’ve helped:


Why You Should Choose B2B International

Our Research Is Custom
Our research projects are built from the ground up, completely custom to your business and specific needs.
We Are Independent
We’ll give you an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, position in the market and the opportunities available to your business.
Our Research Is Actionable
We go further than many insight partners by helping clients implement the tactics and strategies recommended by the research.
Learn how our professional and business services market research can help your business
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