Driven by demand from emerging economies, the need for oil and gas is rising – and so is the need for specialist market research.

With two-thirds of the world’s entire oil reserves located in the Middle East, the region is poised to become an even more important supply source in the future.

Add to this the heightened interest from energy companies diversifying their product mix and focusing on non-traditional, alternative fuel sources, the ever-widening search for replacement reserves and global consumption is nearly stripping production rates.

These rapidly changing market conditions continue to challenge energy companies. Digging deeper for market intelligence in the oil and gas sector has never been more important.


Our Oil and Gas Market Research Experience

We have a deep knowledge of oil and gas. In fact, the sector accounts for the vast majority of our international work. It includes research into:
Aviation fuels

From assessing the global market (Columbia and Malaysia to Spain and South Africa) for fuel management services to researching the attitudes of pilots and the supply of fuels and lubricants at airfields in Germany, France and Norway.


Global and European market assessment of consumption by highways including development of newly developed bitumastic products.

Fleet services

Segmentation and route rationalization research looking at fleet management solutions throughout Western & Eastern Europe.

Lubes and fuels

Numerous studies on a national and global level looking at different types of oils, lubricants and fuels, and associated services attached to these products.


Market intelligence to understand the supply market for EPCM plant construction and maintenance in the UK, Germany, Benelux and Spain.


Global needs assessment and segmentation in various global markets – from chicken farms to hotels and restaurants.

Industrial gases

Many studies from up-selling bulk gases in the USA and assessing the European food refrigeration industry through to cylinder development in the UK and evaluating the European renewable biomass energy market.

Emissions management

Assessment of emissions management throughout Western Europe.


Why You Should Choose B2B International

Our Research Is Customized
Our research programs are built from the ground up, completely bespoke to your unique business requirements.
We Are Impartial
We’ll give you an honest appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses, position in the market and the opportunities available to your business.
Our Insights Are Actionable
We go further than many insight partners by helping clients implement the tactical and strategic actions recommended by the research.

Oil and Gas Market Research Case Study

Business Challenge

One of the largest oil companies in the world commissioned us to establish the market for marine lubricants.

What We Did

We focused on the merchant fleets which can readily be identified from Lloyds Register Of Shipping. Using the Register we drew up a sample of 300 shipping fleets and interviews were carried out by telephone with ship and shore based specifiers of the lubricants. Although there were some complications getting hold of individuals on the high seas we were able to win a significant amount of cooperation in this relatively under researched market.

Respondents were willing to talk to us about their needs for different types of lubricants, what causes them to choose certain brands, and their attitudes to suppliers. With this rich source of information we were able to segment customers and develop customer value propositions which strongly resonated with different types of marine operators.

Learn how our oil and gas market research can help your business
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