Keeping your employees satisfied is vital in producing quality work. Known as the ‘Service Profit Chain’, listening to your employees is just as important as listening to your existing and potential customers.


Listening is key

Your employees are huge assets to your company, and are responsible for a lot of the work produced. Each individual employee represents a link in the chain that contributes to generating profit, and if a break exists in the chain, it could lead to significant problems.

To read one of our publications on employee satisfaction research, follow the link below:


Our solution

While employees often appreciate being listened to, we take care not to over-research. However, the value of listening to your employees is not to be underestimated and, whether done formally or informally, can undoubtedly lead to a more dedicated workforce.


How we listen

You can listen to your employees in many different ways: in groups, individually, face-to-face, by telephone, or online. For every project we carry out, we choose a method that best meets the needs and objectives of that particular study. For example, trying to uncover any potential problems within your workforce may require a diagnostic approach, possibly involving one-to-one interviews or focus groups.

It can be beneficial to monitor and measure the views of your employees on a range of different subjects, before benchmarking these against other employers as a means of comparison. This can be done through a quantitative study, often online. To allow employees the freedom to speak openly without prejudice, it is highly recommended that research such as this is done by an independent market research company.


Case study: Assessing staff engagement

Business challenge

Our client is a large university that has been established for many years. However, the education sector has become increasingly competitive and our client recognized the need to be noticed in this very crowded market. As is the case with any organization, the quality of a University stems from the engagement of its academic and support staff, and our client acknowledged that looking in more depth at all its stakeholders would be key to this project.

What we did

We began our research with focus groups with students, who were able to comment on both the strengths and weaknesses of the University staff. Following this, focus groups involving staff of the University were carried out. Finally, a survey was sent out to all employees of the University. It was vital that everyone had the opportunity to air their views – resulting in hundreds of respondents!

The findings of the Employee Engagement Research included valuable insights into the University’s strengths and weaknesses. Staff were invited to workshops where the results of the research were discussed, ensuring that everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Find out how our employee satisfaction research can help your business grow
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