The Product Development Process: Listening, Learning & Launching

The Importance Of “New” It very much depends on the industry as to what proportion of a product portfolio should be “new”. In a high-tech business it would be reasonable to expect that the majority of the products in the portfolio wil ...

Written by Julia Cupman and Paul Hague

Performance Metrics: Which one to choose?

Introduction Anyone running a business nowadays must be confused by the number of metrics that are promoted as the Holy Grail. To some the Net Promoter Score is the ultimate question. But what about good old customer satisfaction scores; are they red ...

Written by Paul Hague

Market Research To Aid Product Development

New is a powerful word in marketing. People are attracted to new products like magnets. A great way to get attention is by introducing new products regularly. Be cautioned though, while ‘new’ positions a company as dynamic and forward-looking, in ...

Written by B2B International

Understanding, Engaging and Developing Your Workforce

Understanding and developing your people The most valuable resource of any organization is its people. Staff well-being and their level of satisfaction directly impacts on an organisation’s performance and success. Satisfied people are not necessar ...

Written by B2B International

The Importance of B2B Segmentation

The importance of segmentation research You must target your offers at people who need and are willing to pay for your product or service – setting aside those who do not. Segmentation, the grouping together of customers with common needs, is t ...

Written by B2B International

Branding In B2B Markets

The importance of branding A brand is more than a logo. It is the identity of your company. Put all your company’s communications on the table. Is there uniformity and consistency? Behind every strong brand is a brand champion adhering to brand gui ...

Written by B2B International

B2B Markets – Entering China

Introduction As the world’s second largest economy with impressive annual growth rates, the Chinese economy is poised to overtake the US for first position by 2020. Rapidly changing demographics, rising incomes, consumer spending, and an increasing ...

Written by B2B International

Customer Satisfaction

Satisfied customers usually return. They tell other people about you. They may pay a premium. Statistics suggest that the cost of keeping a customer is only one tenth of winning a new one. So once you find a customer, it is worth hanging onto them. W ...

Written by B2B International

The Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing

What is it and what makes it different? What is B2B marketing? It is companies meeting the needs of other companies though, ultimately, demand is likely to be driven by consumers. What makes B2B marketing different to consumer marketing? The followin ...

Written by B2B International