How To Do Market Research

Infographic: Top Tips for Effective Google Searches

With more than 2.3m Google searches every minute, our thirst for information is huge. The web is made up of some 130 trillion individual pages. Searching through this content for the answers we need can often feel like looking for a needle in a hayst ...

Written by B2B International
How To Do Market Research

Managing International Market Research Campaigns

It is not unusual nowadays to design a market research campaign covering many countries. This isn’t unreasonable as most corporates service global markets and must understand their different needs. However, international studies bring with them a n ...

Written by B2B International
How To Do Market Research

Gamification and its role in B2B market research

What is this word “gamification”? It wasn’t in dictionaries ten years ago, so is it just another marketing fad? Gamification may be new but games are not. We have been programmed to play and enjoy games since we were children. A game is a form ...

Written by Kyle Cockett & Paul Hague